Thursday, 19 June 2014


Iprocin, 4-Ho-DIPT, 4-Hydroxy-di-isopropyl-tryptamine; C16H24N2

One of the first chems I ever tried, Iprocin usually looks like a clumpy, hi-white powder, almost with a bluish tinge. I remember very clearly that it had a very strong taste, as some chems do, and I felt nauseated almost immediately.
Iprocin, 4-Ho-DIPT
Iprocin is notorious for the reactions it causes to some users, particularly if your stomach is not empty. Many resources suggest fasting for six hours or more and taking an antiemetic before taking Iprocin. Tremors and trembling hands are very common as well, and the perception of temperature is exaggerated throughout the trip- I have felt shivering cold in a tropical locale whilst under the effects of Iprocin.

Iprocin is one of those chems that should only be administered orally or rectally - the dosage actually increases when insufflated.

Dose ranges, oral, milligrams (male, 90 Kg)

  • Light: 6.0 to 12.0
  • Mid-range: 12.0 to 20.0
  • Strong: over 21.0
Iprocin is also one of the fastest-acting tryptamines - the effects can be felt as soon as 20 or 30 minutes after taking it, and it has a very strong visual component. On lower level doses there is a reinforcement of colours, with greens, blues and violets becoming brighter.

As the dosage comes up, there is more of the classical psychedelia: breathing walls and surfaces, visual artifacts and tracers, morphing objects. It is possible to experience complex open-eye visuals with stronger doses, over 35 milligrams. Mentally speaking, Iprocin creates some mild mental confusion and disorientation, but I have not experienced the mindfuck that other compounds seem to bring.

I have the impression Iprocin should work well with other tryptamines, particularly 4-Ho-MET and 4-Aco-DMT, but I have not tried this combinations yet. As with other tryptamines, it does not combine well with members of the phenylethamine family.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

The colours in the wall

This is a short story of a trip with a combo of 4-Aco-DMT + 4-Ho-MET.

These two chems combine and reinforce each other gracefully and it's one of the most artistic trips you can get without going over the edge of reason. 
Both drugs affect the processing of vision in the brain: 4-Ho-MET brings out the glow and saturation of colours and creates spotlights and colourful tracers in your surroundings; while 4-Aco-DMT -as weird and unpredictable as it can be- synergises with the centers of vision and plays illusions of shapes, colours and movement.
I've found the ratio to be important - when the weight of 4-Aco-DMT is about half that of 4-Ho-MET the resulting trip will affect the perception of light and colour. As the amount of 4-Aco-DMT increases, the weirdness of the trip increases as well, and strange and unusual visions will happen. 

I ate a capsule of 12 mgs of 4-Ho-MET with 8 mgs of 4-Aco-MET at noon on a fine Sunday. The sun was shining and the weather was inviting for a lazy laydown in a nearby pool, so I grabbed my hat and swim gear and went for a dive.

Not more than an hour after ingestion I had to excuse myself from my friends and returned to my apartment. I was dehydrated and felt nausea building up, a typical sign of a trip building up and about to begin. Got home just as the colours were growing in intensity and drank a cold ice tea, while sitting down for in a comfortable sofa to wait for the discomfort to ease.

As I laid there with my eyes closed I could see the visions that 4-Aco-DMT produces in me: slowly rotating shapes, like those in computer screen savers. Hexagonal solids. Cubes. Pyramids. All this while some random TV channel played nursery rhymes.

The shapes were rotating in sync with the tempo of the nursery rhymes. Charming, but eerie and uncanny. There was something sinister about the whole scene and I worried the trip might take a turn for the worse. I quickly turned the TV off and closed my eyes for a few minutes.

At some point I half-opened my eyelids to check on the clock in the wall to my left, and I was regaled with an amazing sight: the white wall started changing colour, as if a brush was slowly painting it with a shade of blue that reminded me of Delft porcelain.

Delft china.

In wide stokes of colour, the wall was being converted into a canvas. Into a piece of psychedelic art.

Soon the wall started changing hue and went from blue to green, then tan and ochre. And then back to blue.

Every time, the unseen brush would paint methodically on top of the previous colour. Sometimes with geometric patterns. Sometimes with solid colours. Sometimes the brush would paint in water colours that blended beautifully with the hue already in the wall.

This wondrous cycle of painting went on for another ten or fifteen minutes. I found I could somehow influence the trip by thinking of a colour I would like to see. I succeeded most of the time - but I could not make the wall black, red, orange or any of the bright neons.

After this, I hurriedly realised I had been away from my friends for about an hour, and thought I was feeling well enough to go back to the pool. By this time I was still tripping, but without nausea. And started to truly enjoy the tryptamine-enhanced radiance of a beautiful sunny day. I was feeling great, in a very elated and happy mood.

Everything was magical and perfect that day, and I will remember this trip as one of the most beautiful and gentle experiences I have had.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014


bk-2C-B, beta-ketone 2C-B; C10H12BrNO3

A derivative of 2C-B, this chem hit the world somewhere in 2013 and it does not have a place anymore in my Arsenal of the Mind. The reasons will be forthcoming.

Not the sharpest knife in the block.

An indistinct white powder with a strong chemical smell, bk-2C-B is purported to have a similar profile to 2C-B, but at a fraction of the strength of its parent compound. Bigger dosage is required to achieve any effect.

Purported is the keyword here - pure promise and no delivery.

Dose ranges, oral, milligrams (male, 90 Kg)

  • Light: 70 to 120
  • Mid-range: 120 to 220
  • Strong: over 220
Yes. You have read that well; 200 milligrams for an excursion that in my opinion is much inferior and more uncomfortable than any other experience I have had with a member of the 2C-x family.

After 30 minutes of taking it for the first time, I felt a strange sensation of malaise and chills through my body -something fairly common with phens. But taking a capsule with 120 mgs of something awful feels much worse than taking 20mgs of something awful -volumetrically speaking, my gut was full of bk-2C-B and did not like it one bit. My body was not liking it.

The psychedelic effects where very subtle, increasing in strength after the first hour and lasting for the next six or seven hours, but nowhere near as strong or colourful as 2C-E. Slight distortios on colour and light. Slight breathing of walls around me, but nothing really spectacular.

The body high was already very unpleasant, and did not diminish for the duration of the experience.

Inferior bromine

The second test with bk-2C-B, a month later, was a capsule with 150 mgs administered rectally. Just 40 minutes after administration I knew I had made a mistake; my gut was starting to burn, as if something mildly caustic was causing discomfort, and I promptly managed to flush it out with a solution of saline that I use for these kind of emergencies.

At that point I decided that the risks outweigh the benefits -as stated somewhere else in the 'net, bk-2C-B is a poor substitute for higher order 2C-x phens- and decided to toss it away as I wondered "why on Earth would someone use this when better chems are available?"

I poured the bk-2C-B in the toilet bowl and went out to do some errands. Coming home later, I was surprised to see a purple-coloured mass of gunk waiting for me in the toilet bowl.

The lesson is: the molecule of bk-2C-B is fragile and it dimerises (breaks) when in contact with water and then isomerises (recombines) randomly - some of these new isomers take on the classic purple hue of bromine compounds. Some of them might be psychoactive, but I am sure many more of those rogue molecules are not good for your insides.

Monday, 9 June 2014


DOC, 2,5-dimethoxy-4-chloroamphetamine. C11H16ClNO2

I met "the DOC" through an obscure chemical trading desk in the former Eastern Bloc and my impressions of it were conflicting: it was the strongest chem I had tried up until that moment and the energy and out-worldliness I experienced were uncanny. But the imagery, mental stress and body load were unacceptable.

I had never experienced full broad-daylight open-eye visuals before, or experienced such strong closed-eye imagery - at times very uncomfortable and disquieting.

DOC, a phen ring with an amphetamine tail

DOC also gave me a very strong body load that was almost painful - as if my body was in open-rebellion fighting to reject an insidious invader. I felt exhausted and wrung-out the next day. My body was drained and sore and my mind was exhausted.

Dose ranges, oral, milligrams (male, 90 Kg)
  • Light: 1.0 to 1.7
  • Mid-range: 1.8 to 3.0
  • Strong: over 3.1

Always measure the doses of DOC very carefully - this is very strong stuff and you will get hurt if the dose is exceeded.

The easiest and safest route I found for coming up with a standard dosage is the "liquid measurement method" - DOC is soluble in alcohol and spirits, and it can be safely measured with a dropper. For my purposes, I used vodka, and just a couple of drops of blue food colouring.

After 45 minutes of ingestion, the effects of DOC are unmistakable - mood lift and boundless energy, tempered by an alien feeling of disconnection with my body and detachment from my surroundings.

DOC, alchemical imagery
Imagery starts flowing shortly afterwards: disconcerting images of fabulous medieval beasts -like woodblock prints from an ancient bestiary-  flowing and melting into each other. Serpents chasing their tails, mythical giants, mysterious spirits, demons, ghosts. Viscera. Blood. Pain. Unpleasant imagery.

With open eyes it is possible to see neon outlines on objects, flowing and melting surfaces and shiny specks floating in the air. I even saw a small wooden Buddha bleed profusely.

DOC brings me to a very strong mental state of anxiety, confusion and stress: the mindfuck. This is the most unpleasant part of the trip - my mind is racing around like an engine out of control and I contemplate anguish, solitude, ego, the universe and everything else in between with no moderation and very little control, whilst everything around me morphs and melts in a menacing way.

The whole DOC trip gets very absurd and taxing after the first four or five hours - not a good thing considering some high-dose trips can go for 16 hours or more. Sleep is impossible. Sex is very difficult and not very satisfying - unlike other phens, I never felt like a sexy daddy.

I discontinued DOC after 8 experiences or so. I don't miss it at all and find very hard to recommend it.

This brilliant trip report (written by another author), describes a DOC experience - and it sums up its effects on me. Please be careful if you intend to use it.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Alexander Shulgin, R.I.P

Alexander “Sasha” Shulgin, the pioneering pharmacologist who introduced MDMA to psychologists in the 1970s, has died aged 88 after a battle with liver cancer.
Shulgin was famed for having synthesized and tested over 200 psychedelic drugs and wrote the seminal Pihkal and Tihkal books - considered the ultimate resource on phenylethamines and tryptamines.
Most of the compounds I describe on this site were invented and first bio-assayed by Alexander and his wife Ann over the last 50 years.
And still, he managed to live to the ripe old age of 88 - godspeed, Dr. Shulgin; you have changed the world for the better.