Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Slapped by AMT and Alcohol

A few weeks ago I committed a major faux pas as a psychedelic dad: I got on AMT and then went for a few beers, whilst engaged in some serious soul searching, completely forgetting a time-honoured truism:

AMT and alcohol don't mix.

I got slapped across my insolent face by the AMT fairies, and slowly sank into a pretty strong and uncomfortable 10-hour long psychedelic excursion. I do not have any recollection of about 4 or 5 hours of my life, when my ego was shattered. I do remember crying a lot and apologising to myself for not being able to succeed at anything.

It was only through the dedicated care and attention of my better half that I managed to reconnect back into this World. I did not make a public scene nor I got myself in danger, but I did embarrass myself in front of my loved ones. I was babbling incoherent thoughts whilst crying my heart out - classical psychedelic therapy.

This hard trip had a silver lining. I managed to destroy my ego and unblocked something that has been preventing me to take ownership of my life for the last couple of years or so. In the days after this excursion I had much time to contemplate my life, my dreams, my future and how I related to the World around me.

I unconsciously wanted to get this much wasted in order to rebuild my soul and set priorities straight, and I think I succeeded. I am hungry for action now, and I am not afraid of competition or the challenges that life throws at you.

But this was a last-recourse action: I do not advocate mixing AMT with alcohol. It was only through sheer luck -more than experience- that I did not harm myself or others.

You have been warned.

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